![]() Corporate Sell-Out Sponsors![]() Self-service Internet ad network that brings together buyers and sellers of ad space. For advertisers, AdBrite offers a network of websites with available inventory. Publishers sign up at AdBrite to make themselves available to the advertisers. Publishers can set their own ad rates, and approve or reject every ad that's purchased for their site. Revenue split is 75/25 in favor of the publisher.
![]() Comcast is pleased to be a media sponsor for Webzine2005. For local, digital, and high-definition television or broadband internet services, look to Comcast. http://www.comcast.com or call 1-800-945-2288.
Hipster Sponsors![]() Blogger is a web-based tool that helps you publish to the web instantly - whenever the urge strikes. Blogger is the leading tool in the rapidly growing area of web publishing known as weblogs, or "blogs." Blogger gives you a way to automate (and greatly accelerate) the blog publishing process without writing any code or worrying about installing any sort of server software or scripts. And yet, it still gives you total control over the look and location of your blog. More specifically, instead of hand-coding your blog posts and frequently uploading the newest version of your page, you make posts to your blog by submitting a simple form on the Blogger web site, and the results immediately show up on your site, with your design.
![]() Laughing Squid is an online resource for underground art and culture of San Francisco and beyond. We run a blog on our front page and maintain a link database of local and regional art and culture. Laughing Squid also is home to the Squid List, a daily event announcements list and The Tentacle List, a place to post calls for artists and performers. Laughing Squid Web Hosting, the business side of Laughing Squid, is a web hosting service that specializes in web hosting for artists, individuals, non-profits and small organizations. Some of the sites linked from Laughing Squid are hosted by our web hosting operation. The revenue generated from the web hosting side of Laughing Squid helps to fund the art and culture (not-for-profit) side of Laughing Squid.
![]() MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. MAKE is loaded with exciting projects that help you make the most of your technology at home and away from home. This is a magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
![]() With almost 40 active sites, Metroblogging is the largest and fastest growing network of city-specific blogs on the Web. From San Francisco to Bangkok, from Karachi to Toronto, Metblogs are a hyper-local look at what's going on in the city. Our hand-picked core of regional bloggers give each site a new perspective on daily life; less calendar listings, more friendly advice. With Metblogs, you can read about life and times in your neighborhood, your favorite places to visit, places where you've never been, or get a feel for them all with the daily "best of" blog on the hub at metroblogging.com.
![]() Six Apart Ltd. is the award-winning pioneer in weblog software and services and the maker of the Movable Type publishing platform and the TypePad hosted weblogging service. Based in San Francisco, Six Apart was founded by husband and wife team Ben Trott and Mena G. Trott in 2002 and joined by LiveJournal founder Brad Fitzpatrick in early 2005. LiveJournal is a simple-to-use (but extremely powerful and customizable) personal publishing ("blogging") tool, built on open source software. Six Apart's focus is to create simple, yet powerful communication tools that enable millions of individuals, institutions and businesses to express, share and connect in ways never before possible.
![]() Technorati is the authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs. Currently tracking 17 million sites and 1.5 billion links.
![]() WordPress was born out of a desire for an elegant, well-architectured personal publishing system built on PHP and MySQL and licensed under the GPL. It is the official successor of b2/cafelog. WordPress is fresh software, but its roots and development go back to 2001. It is a mature and stable product. We hope by focusing on user experience and web standards we can create a tool different from anything else out there.
Scenester Sponsors![]() Providing occasional unremarkableness since Webzine '98 (or so).
![]() This web site is intended to be a chance not only to take a break from all that is crowding in around you, but all that is crowded around in your head. We'll give you a chance not only to be aware of you moment here now in the present, but a chance to be aware that in this moment you are aware. We'll try and pull your consciousness to the present and encourage you to keep it there. Problems and bills and fears will always be there, but the presence of mind to notice yourself and the world around you may not. And one day the opportunity will be gone forever.
![]() PixelPass is a service that finally enables you to easily charge users small fees for access to your online content. If you have been struggling to make online advertising work and if your website isn't suited to traditional stand-alone subscription systems, PixelPass is the subscription solution that will work for you.
Zinester SponsorsFREENETWORKSFreeNetworks.org is a volunteer cooperative association dedicated to education, collaboration, and advocacy for the creation of FreeNetworks. You can show solidarity and support the cause by building a network that follows our peering guidelines, and identify it to your users as a FreeNetwork.
BOING BOINGA Directory of Wonderful Things
JOTSPOTA do-it-yourself publishing tool enabling anyone to create, publish and share collaborative and personalized applications. JotSpot currently offers two publishing platforms; a customizable application wiki and a blogging application.
STICKERNATIONVinyl Stickers Spread The Word. Ever have a great idea for a bumper sticker? StickerNation makes it easy and fast to get your quirky lines across the flat surfaces of your fellow citizens. Promote your business, website, band, or mission with quality vinyl stickers. Stickers are the ultimate medium for activists and slacktivists alike. Our stickers are handscreened vinyl, the kind you'd buy at a store for $2. Perfect for political campaigns and workplace merriment. Order today for faster service - custom stickers can take up to three weeks to be delivered via Priority Mail.
LULUFounded in 2002, Lulu is the web's premier independent publishing marketplace for digital do-it-yourselfers. It's the only place on the web where you can publish, sell and buy any and all things digital - books, music, comics, photographs, movies and well, you get the idea. We simply provide the tools that leave control of content in the hands of the people who created the content. You see, Lulu is a technology company, not a publisher. So you can use Lulu to publish and sell any kind of digital content, and no one here is going to ask you to change anything. Ever. Your vision is entirely YOURS.
ONE INCH ROUNDWhether it be for promotional advertising, your band, or political activism we offer great prices on any sized quantity of pinback buttons made from customer supplied artwork.
EXUBERANCEKiller web design by Matt Jalbert.
TEXASMONKEYRyan Junell's archive of essays, interviews, photos, perspectives, videos, and more...
SXSWBenefit from hands-on, how-to training as well as long-term, big-picture analysis at the SXSW Interactive Festival, scheduled March 10-14 in Austin, TX. Areas of specific focus for the 2006 event include web design, wireless, programming, tech entrepreneurism & business strategy, gaming, blogging, and digital convergence. In addition to the four days of keynote speeches and panels, a full schedule of exciting evening events makes the SXSW Interactive Festival the year's must-attend gathering of digital creatives and uber-geeks. See www.sxsw.com/interactive for complete information.
FEEDSTERFeedster is a rapidly growing Internet search engine and advertising network that provides timely and meaningful information to consumers and large Internet sites in need of targeted media. Feedster provides a fresh index across over 13 million feeds several times per hour, adding millions of new documents daily. Feedster benefits from the ways that blogging is changing the Internet's basic building blocks - from unstructured web pages to structured documents.
DIYCOLODIY Colo is low-cost, cooperative colocation for Do-It-Yourselfers! DIY Colo offers a new cooperative model to highly technical individuals who require affordable, world-class colocation. We foster a collaborative environment where knowledge, hardware and network resources can be shared. Become a member, and participate in a community that puts the best network and facilities in your hands.
Webster SponsorsITALKNEWSiTalkNews.com is an interactive community where people create their own news content. You can post articles, read other writers' stories, engage in a forum, and even post pictures from your cell phone. Our goal is to foster diversity and offer a wide range of opinions on any news topic, while creating a nationwide network of writers and thinkers.
LAVENDER LOUNGEGay adult muscle bear membership site! We have videos, pictures, and vintage gay porn. Amateur male photos and pics with musclebear cubs and free gay movies clips!
MEDIA ALLIANCEa 29 year-old media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists. Our mission is excellence, ethics, diversity, and accountability in all aspects of the media in the interests of peace, justice, and social responsibility.
JAKE LUDINGTON'S MEDIABLABYou've got high-speed Internet. You've got a digital camera. You've got the latest video card and a DV cam. The computer sales guy told you it's easy to connect your home entertainment system to your PC. Now what? Every week, Jake provides resources, tips, and how-to information that lets you make the most of your growing collection of digital audio, video, and imaging hardware and software, along with some fun destinations that take advantage of your computing power.
INDEPENDENT ARTS & MEDIAIndependent Arts & Media is a fiscal sponsor and service organization for public media and community arts.
EROS ZINEa weekly digest of erotic fiction, sex news, editorial features, stories and erotic events, as well as Eros Zine calendar listings relating to the culture of erotica and erotic lifestyles in the US, UK, and around the world.
SCRAPBOOK MANIFESTOA few of the collected works of illustrator Jon Wayshak.
JUICE DESIGNOne of San Francisco's most down-to-earth-yet-flaming-hot design houses.
SPEAKOUT, CALIFORNIASpeak Out California is a statewide progressive advocacy organization, built on a foundation of values that we know most Californians share. Our goal is to keep people informed of what's happening in state politics from a progressive perspective, and to organize them into actions that both connect them to the current political system and enable them to begin changing it for the better.
Party SponsorSFISTSFist is a website about San Francisco and everything that happens in it. That means news and events, restaurants and bars, happenings and goings-on. We do the research so that you don't have to, link to the stories behind what's in the paper, and we're cheap and easy to find.
Sponsor WebzineSponsor Webzine! Webzine loves its sponsors. Yes we do. Come get loved. Seriously, by sponsoring Webzine 2005 you will be greasing the wheels of independent media creation. Sponsors help to subsizide the costs of producing the conference enabling us to keep the admission price low and the event accessible by everyone who has the creative itch. In return for subsidizing the love, sponsors get recognition in our program, on our website and from the stage. Sponsors will also have the opportunity of turning on attendees to their service, product or technology on-site with a space to promote. If you’ve got a tool or technology that grassrootes media makers are using, you really should be pouring your Kewl-Aid at Webzine 2005. This PDF has complete sponsorship information. Drop Eddie a line at if you want in or need more information. |