Eddie Codel has been a core organizer of the Webzine conference series since it's inception in 1998. Server monkey and geek-for-hire by day, after hours Eddie likes to get freaky with technology in ways that bring people together or make them run in fear. Too this end, he has directed freaky technology with SRL, a local menacing machine arts group. Eddie has also helped bring activists together using technology to flex their collective political muscle. He likes furry animals, shag rugs, colorful polyester shirts and any excuse blow town for a bit.
Ryan Junell is an SF-based media design director and core organizer of the Webzine conference series since 1998.
He finally received his undergraduate bachelor's degree from the University of Texas in 2002 (six years late!)
by writing an extensive account of his experience with organizing four consecutive Webzine events in an essay called 15 Megs.
Junell designed the Creative Commons logo and the (CC) banner gif that appears on millions of websites.
In addition to his producing and organizational work, he's been known to create websites, documentaries, music videos, experimental films, animations, and healthy doses of cultural mayhem.
Publicity Diva Molly Ditmore has been wasting time online since she first used the Unix
"finger" command as a college freshman. A writer by birth, her past jobs
include stints as a musicologist and PR hustler. Earlier this year she chucked
all that to get a degree in pattern drafting. She's a Webzine alum from 1998.
Jackson West has been writing stories for a long time, but except for
a brief period of sterotypical Beat posturing on the Lower East Side
when he pretended to prefer a typewriter, he's typed them into a
computer. Of all the advances in technology, he's most pleased that
publishing no longer involves a dot matrix printer in any way, though
he can appreciate it as lo-fi kitsch. Lately he's been attempting to
'get to the bottom of things,' with varying degrees of success.
Oh, and he's editor at
Schlomo Rabinowitz, videoblogger by day and..well..videoblogger by night, has, with the help of countless others, single-handedly spearheaded the new media revolution. Having spoken to such Real Media Types like NPR and Uncle Jed's Podcast Au-Go-Go, Schlomo has been able to spread goopy gobs of love to stripmalls all across the U.S. of A. Now he hopes to unload all over Webzine2005.
René Amini is a videoblogger and artist who likes to volunteer her time encouraging others to smash their TV and take up videoblogging. Her videos focus on art, activism, instructional how-tos, collaboration, and cooking shows with her dog. Lately she's been tracking green things across the globe.
Technical Volunteer Coordinator/After Party Organizer Rick Abruzzo has been involved in numerous fringe and culture
jamming art events in his hometown of San Francisco, notably Urban Golf,
Urban Iditarod and SantaCon.
He first became involved in the local art scene as the Minister of Popular Culture {miniculpop) of the Thoughtpolice
on-line event calendar and later as an active member of the San Francisco Cacophony Society. In 2003, Rick created an
online campaign to send music label settlement checks stemming from a class action lawsuit over CD price fixing to the
Electronic Freedom Foundation with his site
He currently works as a graphic designer at Monster Cable and this is his second tour of duty with Webzine,
yet still doesn't have a blog.
Thank you very much, my name is Jonas Luster, and I - like you - am the Media.
Nial is a curious explorer living and working in San Francisco, California in the United States.
He is very interested in the world of personal empowerment and collaboration newly expressed through the world of
weblog publishing, content sydication, and real-time search. He is currently the full-time Community Manager at Technorati.
Tantek Çelik took a typing elective in 7th grade so he could code faster.
He hated writing assignments in school but a switch flipped just over three
years ago and he's been a regular blogger since. He frequently photographs
unlikely scenes which would otherwise be difficult to explain. Tantek likes
to make CSS do things it wasn't designed to do, and extend XHTML in new and
useful ways, all while keeping it strict. Tantek helps steer the Web
Standards Project, provides invited expert advice to the W3C CSS working
group, and is Chief Technologist at Technorati.
Molli Amara Simon is a film person with sprinkles of theatre, events and
performance art. She works in almost every aspect of filmmaking from
programming film festivals, making site-specific film installations, helping
to produce documentaries and consulting with independent filmmakers about
distribution. She also has traveled with a number of underground cirkuses,
sold anarchist literature and helped raise a ruckus here and there.
One of two volunteer coordinators for Webzine 2005, Leila Easa has been an active blogger for over four years and an internet addict since the usenet days. During breaks from posting pictures of her puppy online, Leila teaches writing at a variety of San Francisco colleges and yoga at several studios. She is also a former editor for Yoga Journal.
The WEBZINE 2005 organization group is 100% volunteer