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Friday night | |||
8-10pm | Friday night party / Cafe DuNord / 8-10pm / sponsored by SFist.com | ||
Saturday | Freya Room | Valhalla Room | Balder Room |
12 noon |
Levelling the Playing Field: Journalism OnlineWe'll explore the tension between access and balance in the newspaper and the blogosphere. Or whatevs. Panelists are from old and new media and in between.
Making Media With Open Source Publishing ToolsBeing the media has never been easier! There are now buckets of open source publishing tools out there making it easy for you to publish online. Learn from the experts how easy it is for you to get started.
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (12-12:30)Open sessions in the Master's Lounge are open to any attendee to present their project, site or crazy idea. Sign up on the day of the session, outside the Master's Lounge or on the wiki. First come, first serve. Open Session (12:30-1) |
1 pm |
<Featured Speaker>
Jacob AppelbaumAfter his father's death, Jacob went off by himself traveling the world. He traveled to Iraq and blogged about it. Both video blogging (with the help of BitTorrent) and photo blogging. He wrote about his travels and offered up advice to people interested in traveling to Iraq. He lived to tell about it, which he will do at Webzine. |
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (1-1:30)Open Session (1:30-2) |
2 pm |
Community MattersThere are dozens of community tricks and tools zinesters can use to help their audiences find each other and become active participants in the project. But picking the right community options for your community is rarely ever obvious. This discussion-format panel will cover how to tease participation out of quiet audiences, nuture communities once they do take hold and deal with the demands of a big community once it exists. Panelists will represent a broad diversity of community-facilitating publications and community-interaction practices.
Rich Media Tools WorkshopA place to find out about new multimedia creation & distribution tools and toys, and maybe have a showdown.
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (2-2:30)Open Session (2:30-3) |
3 pm |
18 or Over Only: A Look at the Laws, Technology, and Style of Adult SitesThis panel will be a discussion of the latest laws around adult material on the web, and the court case that are progress. It will also look at the history, technology, style, and content of different erotic sites.
Intro to Digital Photography & PhotobloggingDo you love playing with a digital camera but for some reason your photos just look like crap? Or maybe you know a little something about taking pix but you'd really like to tell stories with your photos? No fear. Improve your skills and learn how to photoblog all at the same time.
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (3-3:30)Open Session (3:30-4) |
4 pm |
Podcasting: The Democratization of Broadcast?Podcasting is blowing up all over the world and yet only a few clued in people are really taking advantage of this new medium. Podcasting allows anyone with a computer and a microphone to record their own 'radio' show. As the barriers to broadcast come down, what hurdles old and new are keeping newly minted 'casters from reaching their full potential?
DIY Marketing: How To Talk About Your Project & YourselfKnowing how to talk about your project is the first step in getting other people interested. Marketing may sound like a dirty word, but you can stay true to your original vision. Workshop participants will create boilerplate and other PR materials as well as learn how to successfully and inexpensively get the word out.
<Master's Lounge>
Blog Warez Dance Off!Three blog tools enter, one blog tool exits. Well, sort of. We will tag-team through 20 minute rounds of blog tool show-n-tell. If you're new to blogging or just want to see what the other guys are all about, pull up a seat and heckle on. WordPress, Six Apart (Movable Type, TypePad, LiveJournal) and Blogger will all do their best to bring you over to their side. |
5 pm |
Hacking Gadgets and ElectronicsPhillip Torrone, Associate Editor of MAKE Magazine, will show and hack many popular consumer electronic devices: Want to do high quality audio recording on an old iPod? Run new games, use Linux- the ubiquitous iPod is more than a music player if you're willing to tweak it. Philip will show many digital camera hacks, from the reuse of the "disposable" cameras to modding digital cameras for ariel photography. PSPs, Gameboys and trip from hacking past to hacking future, all will be in Phil's action packed warranty voiding DRM busting session. <FEATURED SPEAKER>Irene McGee (5:30-5:50)Irene famously walked off the set of MTV's The Real World Seattle, after being bitch slapped by one of the other cast members while the cameras rolled on. Now she works to transcend the corporate media, is back in school studying media ethics and will soon launch nooneslistening.org, a site that will focus on media related issues. Irene will speak a bit about being an antidote to the corporate media by being the media. |
Podcasting 101Eric Rice leads you through the basics of making and distributing your very own audio show.
<Demo Lounge>
For The Love of SponsorsWebzine sponsors will demo something they know you'll love. |
Saturday night | |||
10pm-late | Saturday night party / TBA / 10pm-late | ||
Sunday | Freya Room | Balder Room | Valhalla Room |
12 noon |
Culture Jamming in the Post-9/11 MindsetIn the aftermath of 9-11, the world became a different place. The word 'Terrorism' is the new buzzword of the Neocon empire-builders, their corporate consorts and mainstream media moguls. Deceptive ads and slogans are being used to instill fear and sell wars for oil. The real threat, however, appears to be the rapid dismantling of the constitutional rights of average citizens to speak out, express dissent, information and truth. Well, have no fear, because Culture Jamming and 'Hacktivism' have become the tools of the trade for information warriors, and new technologies are upping the ante..
The Art of Distribution: RSS, TaggingDistribution is what makes your content go 'round. Experts in the world of RSS and 'tagging' will explain why these two notions are super important for your visitors to find your media.
<Demo Lounge>
For The Love of SponsorsWebzine sponsors will demo something they know you'll love. |
1 pm |
Video Blogging PanelThis is not internet TV. There are major differences between VB and TV, primarily it being a public-access participatory medium with no thought police. Let's take a look at where we are now and discuss where we're headed. How will videobloggers of the future sustain the media revolution?
Information Hacking: a European Perspective (1-1:30)A group of friends created Kitetoa.com -a webzine not a blog!- in 1997 and have been publishing stories on politics, economy, computer security, and many other topics. Kitetoa.com has published many stories about security flaws in famous company's web servers putting personal data at risk. Using companies' information (marketing kung-fu) and turning it against them, Kitetoa.com does "information-hacking" (info-hacking). |
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (1-1:30)Open sessions in the Master's Lounge are open to any attendee to present their project, site or crazy idea. Sign up on the day of the session, outside the Master's Lounge or on the wiki. First come, first serve. Open Session (1:30-2) |
2 pm |
Using the Internet to Kick the Man's AssThe net has given smart activists the tools to shine a big bright light on the shady goings-on of the Man. Activists and politicos will share stories on how they've kicked ass and had their asses handed to them.
You Are The Media: Video Blogging 101A workshop to get into the fine details of videoblogging. Learn, record, upload, distribute!
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (2-2:30)Open Session (2:30-3) |
3 pm |
Around the Corner: Neighborhood BloggingCommentary and discussion about blogging in a community bound by geography.
Doing Information Architecture On the CheapIA or internet architetcure is the backbone of any easy to navigate web site. Let Ryan and Eris guide you down the road of DIY IA.
<Master's Lounge>
Speed Geeking3-5 minute lightning rounds, back-to-back of YOU showing off your project, product or idea. We'll provide the projector, mic and computer, or bring your own. Sign up on the wiki to participate. |
4 pm |
<Featured Speaker>
Jonas Luster (4-4:20)'Social networking' is a non-existent, overused and over hyped concept so says Jonas. He'll tell you exactly why that is along with other things that really annoy him. |
<Fun Stuff>
Linux Robot Demo (4-4:30)Michael Shiloh will demonstrate his interactive Linux based robot. Audience members will have programmed interesting things for it do. The robot is a 2 drive wheel, 2 caster wheel platform with some basic sensors and a Linux SBC. Biddie-biddie-biddie! Video screening: This Spartan Life (4:30-5)A talk show in games space. Damian Lacedaemion is not your average talk show host. He lives inside an online game where daily existence is a struggle against overwhelming odds (and other, much better players.) So he has taken it upon himself to create a little oasis of sanity where he can talk to people who aren't bent on his destruction. He invites guests to join him in a live game where they can walk about and discuss some of the finer aspects of life, music, art, sex movies and yes, even games. |
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (4-4:30)Open Session (4:30-5) |
5 pm |
$elling Out: Making money doing what you lovePhilip Kaplan, formerly of Fuckedcompany.com, pulls panelists together to discuss interesting and DIY ways they have cashed in.
Microformats: What the Hell Are They and Why Should I Care?Ryan King will explain why microformats are important and how you can mark up specific kinds of content in ways that make it easier for the right people to find your stuff.
<Master's Lounge>
Open Session (5-5:30)Open Session (5:30-6) |